
Climate Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Daily highs °F 45 46 52 61 69 80 85 84 77 66 54 46
Nightly lows °F 21 22 27 36 44 53 59 58 50 39 29 22
Precipitation in 0.5 0.8 1.6 2.7 3.1 1.7 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.5 0.9 0.8
Check Boulder's 7 day forecast at NOAA

These days, Boulder wears several hats: as a university town, home of the University of Colorado at Boulder ( and others; as a hi-tech town that is rapidly spawning bedroom communities in outlying farm towns; and as a center of alternate culture, with various new age institutions, Naropa University (, meditation centers, Buddhist centers, and the like. What perhaps distinguishes it most from other cities of similar size in the United States, however, is its status as a mecca for serious athletes, many of whom have made their home here for the conditioning advantages of high altitude, combined with businesses, facilities, and a community that provides opportunities for serious training and competition. Even the average nine-to-five Boulderite is much more likely than the average American to be a serious climber, cyclist, runner, skier, etc., and you will see the difference as you're about town.

Boulder is situated in the Front Range region of Colorado and is virtually contiguous with Denver, except for its buffer of Open Space Parks ( which border the city and provide it shelter from its growing surroundings. This reflects that it is the "front door" to the mountainous country to the west, with many outdoor attractions, including a medium sized ski resort less than an hour from the city limits, and also the fact that there are significant cultural differences between Boulder and Denver beyond its liberal politics.

Boulder is known for its outdoors and the residents with one of the healthiest lifestyles in America. It is very true, no matter what the weather, there are always people outdoors; running, biking, walking, hiking. It has a great atmosphere and beautiful sights.

Living in Boulder is very expensive. Along with being one of the most active towns in America, it is right up there with the living expense. Smaller towns are popping up around Boulder that are cheaper, but may take 10-15 minutes to get into this vibrant town.